What we think

21 / 05 / 2019

By twistar-admin

The Empathy Economy might sound like the title of a Black Mirror episode, but in reality, it’s a fairly new term that has made it into our vernacular following the rise of automation. While this may seem alarming, in reality, it will simply mean entering a new period of change, where c...
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24 / 04 / 2019

By Hassan Sheikh

As an investor, you know the importance of staying abreast of the latest technological innovations, breakthroughs, and trends. What becomes even more important is to determine the trends from the fads. We’re firmly in the camp that CX isn’t a fad, nor is it a trend. In fact, CX is set to shap...
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14 / 03 / 2019

By Hassan Sheikh

1 in 10 UK households now own a robot such as a Google Home or Amazon Echo; and if you own an iPhone, Siri is your own personal pocket robot. While the rise of robots is seemingly interminable, the question stands: are people getting more comfortable with speaking to robots or are we just begrudg...
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21 / 02 / 2019

By twistar-admin

When it comes to collecting customer feedback, one persistent argument remains: is it best to collect anonymously, or personally? While there are benefits to collecting personal feedback from customers, if you want honest, meaningful feedback, anonymity is king. Put it this way: if you’...
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20 / 02 / 2019

By Nick Marshall

This past month has been a bit of a whirlwind, but I mean that in the best way possible. Over the past four weeks, we've been fortunate to showcase Twistar's capabilities across three continents with the help of our fantastic partners who have been along on the journey with us....
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06 / 02 / 2019

By Hassan Sheikh

We are living in the time of buzzwords. “Disruption”, “AI”, “IoT”, “blockchain” – all these terms sound sexy. I know, I know, a couple of these “terms” are disciplines, but lately, it seems like the formula for getting attention goes something like this: Attention = ...
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31 / 10 / 2018

By Hassan Sheikh

In this post, we're going to shed some light on why you should be using in-moment feedback as your number one option....
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31 / 10 / 2018

By Hassan Sheikh

If you are a business with a physical presence where you interact with customers, these 4 reasons may provide insight into why your e-surveys are not providing as much value as you thought....
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By Nick Marshall

The short answer to this question is YES, but it depends on certain parameters, which can be identified by asking yourself a few initial questions: Does having ‘more’ data mean that it is better quality and more accurate? Are you asking the right questions? Are ...
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By Nick Marshall

Much has been written about how IoT changes the way we live and work, but what is its potential impact on market research? Taking into consideration a product like Twistar, how does IoT affect how consumers engage and are understood? In a time when so many companies are becoming increasing...
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By Nick Marshall

For the last two decades, technology has, year-on-year, developed our customer bases, simplified processes and changed the face of business. The most important step in this process has undoubtedly been the development of e-commerce. Traditional businesses have tried to compete against on...
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